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NOT another English class.

Fixing Franglais is a unique series of corporate training workshops for French speakers who write and speak English in professional settings.


Finally, natural English for French speakers.

your natural English toolbox

Fixing Franglais uses an original four-step approach to self-guided correction in English.


Designed exclusively for adult French speakers, these trainings draw on psycholinguistic principles, and the resources and methods used by professional translators and language professors. 


Fixing Franglais won't teach you English. But it will give you a unique set of tools for identifying and eliminating Franglais, and finding the right words in natural English based on your specific context.


Because expressing yourself in a foreign language isn't just about knowing words!

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Unlearn the bad habits you might have learned in English classes at school.


Understand basic linguistic concepts like fossilization and the inherently linguistic origins of Franglais.

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Most French speakers make the same types of errors in English. Depending on how you learned English, you probably also have a personal version of Franglais.


Once you know the typical mistakes, you can fix them.

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Language usage is dependent on the mental pathways we acquire. Find out how to create "error alarms" in your head so you can redraw your English language roadmap.



Use the Fixing Franglais toolbox to course-correct your English expression and build new natural English pathways.​

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What about AI translations?

While translations generated by artificial intelligence can be useful, they are limited in many ways. Learn how to stay in control of machine language models and identify when a human knows better.

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